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You can help make their lives a little better!
BENEFITS for Contributing to our Main Cat Room Upgrade:
Save-A-Pet is grateful for all contributions to our Main Cat Room Upgrade. Your gift is helping to build a better tomorrow for our feline residents. In gratitude and recognition of your generosity, you will receive:
Make an impact and be part of this amazing project
Sizes: (4’ x 4-3/4’) and 4’ x 4’ sizes)
Size: (4’ x 4’)
Size: (5’ x 8’)
Size: (56” x 30”)
Size: (40” x 30”)
Size: (36” x 30”)
* Images here are conceptual renderings of the newly redesigned Main Cat Room, along with 'before' photographs of our current space ... and our Save-A-Pet feline ambassadors, Gary and Mattie.